Summit Academy Community School for Alternative Learners – Canton received a 2025 Leadership Award from National School Choice. The school team is being recognized for its dedication to inspiring and motiving students to reach their fullest potential.

For Canton Elementary, participating in National School Choice Week is a tradition, one with great value and significance.

“Participating in National School Choice Week is important because it raises awareness of the multiple education possibilities available for students. Not all students learn the same way, and every child deserves to be at a school that is the right fit for them,” says Assistant Principal Sarah Kwasnicka. “As a community school, it is important that we showcase our strengths and how we tailor our teaching to meet the needs of every child. We’re doing amazing things at Canton Elementary, and people need to be aware of our school.”

This year, Canton Elementary is celebrating National School Choice, which runs from January 26 – February 1, with special days throughout the week. Students and staff members will dress for the occasion with Happiest Place on Earth (Disney) garb on Monday, Team Tuesday (sports team shirts and hats), Wind it Down Wednesday (PJs) and Swap Day (teachers dress as students and vice versa) on Thursday.

Canton Elementary has participated in National School Choice Week for the past seven years, according to Administrative Assistant Kelly Addessi. She says the much-anticipated week is one students and staff celebrate with tremendous school pride.

“We have always surrounded it around a spirit week giving students and staff a  fun way to celebrate Summit,” Addessi says. She adds that this year, every student will receive a National School Choice scarf, bracelet and pencil as part of the weeklong festivities.