At Summit Academy our students embark on an enriching journey that spans the four vital disciplines within social studies – history, geography, government, and economics – all designed to prepare students for a well-rounded and informed citizenship. This approach builds layer upon layer of understanding of social studies topics throughout the grade-levels and carefully aligns with Ohio’s Learning Standards for Social Studies.

We implement a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework for social studies instruction to ensure that every student’s unique learning needs are met. An MTSS framework emphasizes excellence in grade-level standards-based core instruction, while offering specific additional support to students who struggle with core instruction. In social studies this additional support often takes the form of building background knowledge and vocabulary enrichment related to the specific discipline the class is studying, thus allowing the student to engage more fully in classroom discussion and learning activities. An MTSS framework also allows students with a particular interest in social studies to engage in enrichment activities to expand their knowledge of advanced content. 

Our goal is to cultivate a deep appreciation for the interconnected nature of these disciplines, fostering a comprehensive understanding of how they collectively shape our world. Through engaging lessons, interactive projects, and thought-provoking discussions, we inspire critical thinking and global awareness, empowering students to explore the past, understand the present, and shape the future. We also instill a strong commitment to upholding constitutional rights, civic engagement, and economic literacy.

From the annals of history to the intricate landscapes of geography, the mechanisms of government, and the complexities of economics, our comprehensive curriculum equips students with the knowledge and analytical skills needed to excel in an increasingly interdependent global society.