Not one, not two, but 19 Summit Academy Akron Middle School students will soon become published authors. Their mini sagas will be included in the Young Writers ® USA book Fright Club – Secrets Beneath the Surface. Due out in April, the book will feature the students’ stories under such titles as “The Abandoned House,” “What a Terrible Fright” and “The Factory.”
Teacher Tasha Hunter led her students through the contest’s requirements to create suspenseful, 100-word or less pieces using literary techniques. She says she anticipated that one or two of her students’ works might be selected for publication, but not 19, in this national competition.
“When I read the letter congratulating me and naming all of the students selected, I had chills running up and down my spine. I am beyond proud of the work all the students did on these stories and overjoyed that 19 were selected for publication,” Hunter says. “When I was telling our principal, Mrs. Yingling, the good news, I had tears in my eyes. Words cannot express the immense pride I feel.”
The students began their writing process by dedicating two weeks to brainstorming and writing a story collaboratively as a class. The children then each wrote a rough draft independently, which they proofread, edited and read to their classmates for feedback, explains Hunter.
“They worked so hard and were very supportive of each other when they read their stories. They gave wonderful and helpful feedback to each other,” Hunter says.
All students selected to have their pieces published are eligible to be chosen as a grand prize winner. The contest’s 10 grand prize winners’ stories will receive an “Editor’s Favorite” designation. Those top-winning students also will receive a $50 Amazon gift card.
For more details about the contest, visit https://www.youngwritersusa.com/contests/middle-high/FOF.