A lesson designed to promote social awareness inspired students at Summit Academy Transition High School – Dayton to delve deep into the lives and minds of U.S. military veterans. The intensive, multi-day PBS Newshour Classroom lesson “Veterans Day and the Meaning of Sacrifice” engaged students in films and discussions revolving around the challenges faced by today’s veterans, ranging from benefits delays to PTSD. Students also learned about the complications experienced by amputees, children in military families and women veterans.
“Our Dayton community is rich with military ties due to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base having such a strong presence in the area. This being the case, it is important for our young men and women to understand, respect and empathize with those who have served to protect our country,” says Principal Lisa Brown.
Culminating in the creation of 58 thank-you cards for Veterans of Foreign War Post 6710 (Wilmington) members, the Veterans Day-focused curriculum was delivered as part of the school’s Positive Actions class.
“As a staff, in addition to academics, we work to ensure that our students understand the meaning of being a good citizen,” explains Brown. “One area of our social emotional curriculum is social awareness, or the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and the military.”
Overall, the timeless lesson underscored the meaning of sacrifice, encouraged students to identify important veterans in their lives and examined a timeline of military history.