On the first day of the 2022-2023 school year, Summit Academy Secondary School – Youngstown teacher Brock Schaller (left) challenged his students to set goals and strategies to achieve them. Student Kierra Williams (right) accepted the assignment with optimism and enthusiasm. She says she plans to put her baking talents to good use by opening her own bakery one day. First, she says she will attend college to acquire the practical business skills to achieve her goal.

Kierra Williams, an aspiring entrepreneur and passionate baker, is starting the school year off by setting ambitious goals for her future: to attend college and open a bakery. Williams is a student at Summit Academy Secondary School – Youngstown. She and her classmates in teacher Brock Schaller’s social studies class got a jumpstart on the 2022-2023 school year by setting goals and determining strategies to achieve them.

Schaller says he encourages his students to set goals at the start of the year so, as a teacher, he can help them reach them. Schaller, Williams and every other student in the class posted their aspirations on a board outside their classroom on their first day of school. Schaller says his goal is to make American history fun and educational for his students. To accomplish that goal he is planning several firsthand activities for his students such as creating model military bunkers. He says hands-on projects engage students and help them build teamwork skills.